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Our Expertise

Establishing your business abroad


Cost effective


Wide network
Specific requests

Reporting & Guidance

Strong partners
Short term


Qualified workforce
Cost effective
Professional support

About Karaca

Karaca Incubating is a business development company run by Mr. Fatih Karaca and Mr. Burak Şahin Yavuz.

Company was established in 2021 by Fatih Karaca, after he quit banking sector. The lack of support for Turkish investors / entrepreneurs in Serbia paved the road, and Karaca tried to cover the gap of knowledge. After a while, Mr. Karaca had to return to the banking sector for a while and thus, left the company to Mr. Yavuz. After  the end of Mr. Karaca’s mandate in the bank, he has returned to Karaca Incubating and partnered up with Mr. Yavuz.

The idea behind the Karaca Incubating is to decrease the research costs of investors, to ease doing business and later to be proud of the success of the investors.

About Incubating

businessman writing summary

A business incubator is defined as:

“An organization designed to accelerate the growth and success of entrepreneurial companies through an array of business support resources and services that could include physical space, capital, coaching, common services, and networking connections.”

When a company, small or big decides to invest or do business abroad, they need local support such as market information, connections, location, pricing etc.

An incubator is designed to help businesses grow and succeed by providing workspace, mentorship, expertise, access to investors, and in some cases, working capital in the form of a loan. This will lead the foreign investor decision making faster, lower cost and more secure.

Incubating companies mostly provide four topics:

  • Planning Business
  • Launching Business
  • Managing Business
  • Growing Business

Our office provides above topics with below services:

  • Help with business basics
  • Networking activities
  • Marketing assistance
  • Market research
  • Help with accounting/financial management
  • Access to bank loans, loan funds and guarantee programs
  • Links to strategic partners
  • Help with regulatory compliance

Karaca Incubating has cooperation with well-known local companies and provide these services in cooperation with these strong local organizations. Our cooperation includes law offices, accounting offices, real estate agencies, banks etc.

About Our Team

Our team consists of experienced business professionals with a passion for helping others. We bring a unique perspective to every project and work closely with our clients to ensure their success.

Fatih Karaca


Financial Advisory, Renewable Energy, IT

Fatih Karaca has his Bachelor’s Degree in Textile Engineering and later obtained Master’s Degree in Business Administration. After a brief private sector experience, he studied at the biggest bank of Türkiye, Ziraat Bankası Banking School for a year. Following graduation, he began his banking career in Ziraat Bankası Alsancak Branch, as Specialist. Mr. Karaca worked in different departments and positions in Ziraat Bankası; and after 10 years of banking in Türkiye, he was appointed as Head of Marketing and Loans in Ziraat Bank a.d. in Skopje, North Macedonia, one of the subsidiaries of Ziraat Bank.

In 2012, Ziraat Bank in Skopje has been merged under Halk Bank in Skopje and afterwards accepted the offer to be representative of Halk Bank in Belgrade, Serbia.

Mr. Karaca has moved to Belgrade in 2012, established and operated the Representative Office of Halk Bank in Serbia which eventually led successful acquisition of Čačanska Banka in Serbia by Türkiye Halk Bankası A.Ş. in 2015. Following the acquisition, Mr. Karaca continued his banking career as Director of Marketing in Halkbank a.d. Beograd until the end of 2021 and later quit banking sector and established Karaca Incubating. Between July 2022 and February 2024, he worked as Advisor to the President of the Executive Board of Halkbank a.d. Beograd and after the end of his mandate, he returned to Karaca Incubating.

During his long years of banking career abroad, Mr. Karaca has aided and guided many foreign companies in their establishments in Balkan region and in Türkiye.

In the company, he coordinates the requests and mainly responsible for advisory, IT and energy sectors.

Mr. Karaca is also elected President of Turkish Serbian Business Association (www.tsba.org.rs) in Serbia in 2022.

Mr. Karaca is married with Mrs. Danica Karaca and proficient in English besides his native Turkish language.


Construction & HR

Burak Şahin Yavuz was born in 1995 in Ünye/Ordu. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Banking and Insurance with a bachelor's degree. Throughout his career, he has managed human resources operations for many companies in Türkiye and abroad. He has facilitated the employment of more than 5000 personnel to date and the collaboration of more than 100 companies with the right personnel.

His effective working area covers Asia, the Middle East, and Europe globally. In 2018, he moved to Serbia and continued his work in Belgrade. In 2022, he joined forces with Fatih Karaca to elevate the quality of their services to a higher level and continued with a more corporate structure. In 2023, he married Dwi Surya Arini and continues his life and career as a family.


Real Estate Advisory
Mrs. Danica has studied economy in Belgrade and married Mr. Fatih Karaca in 2018. She has worked in real estate agency in Belgrade as agent, has certificate for real estate advisory.
Mrs. Danica is in charge of residential real estate advisory.
She speaks English, Spanish, Russian and Turkish besides her native Serbian language.


Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare
Mrs. Marija Velkovski has graduated Turkish Literature in Belgrade. After graduation, she worked as administrative assistant in a Turkish construction company in Belgrade. Afterwards, she worked at Halkbank Representative Office as Assistant to Mr. Fatih Karaca. She later moved to pharmaceuticals sector and since 2018, she has worked in business development, procurement, financial management, administration departments and finally representative of a well-known Turkish healthcare group. As of beginning of 2024, Mrs. Marija Velkovski established her own company as freelance advisory for mentioned sectors. She is experienced in licensing procedures of health institutions and medicines.
Mrs. Marija has exclusive advisory contract with Karaca Incubating for healthcare sector.
She is married and proficient in Turkish and English besides her native Serbian language.


We are located in Belgrade and our services include Serbia, Türkiye, N. Macedonia and Montenegro region.
We can also assist in Azerbaijan, Hungary, Dubai and England through our partners.

1. Representation

This service includes representing your company in another country, without the need of renting an office, hiring a representative and starting from scratch. Instead, with our service, we can act as your representative in the country, join meetings according to your instructions, put your banner in our offices as your local contact point. We become your eyes and ears in the country.

In order to operate in a country, you might need at least but not limited to:

  • Establishing a company
  • Office
  • Employee(s)
  • Local transportation (buying/renting car)
  • Accounting, lawyer services

Our company has its own resources and agreements, which allows you to have all services included in a package. We can be your representative, provide all agreed information for your company, and if you agree to establish your own company at the end, we provide you a turn-key service to fly on your own.

2. Research

Sometimes you try to reach a specific networking contact, a specific investment location, a specific information about a company, but you don’t know whom to call.

Having worked in the Balkan region financial sector since 2010, plus 10 more years back in Turkish finance sector, we have ability to reach all business-related contacts. We can provide you support on a specific subject you need.

Please do not hesitate to contact us.

3. Reporting & guidance

If you have already started your business in the country but in need of networking and guidance, we are here to be your beacon. Just tell us where you are and where you want to be, and we will light your way.

4. HR

We also provide HR services with professional support.

Either employees to be registered in your company, or registered in Türkiye, we can provide most effective and easy-going way for your operations. 

Regardless of the sector you operate, thanks to the agreements among the countries we operate, we can provide workforce. For details, please contact us. 




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Türkiye - Useful Links


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